How we make our honey to be some of the best in the world.
Mossop’s is a family business that has been producing and packaging top quality honeys for over 70 years.

Mossop’s is a family business that was established over 70 years ago by Ron, Neil’s father. Neil, at the tender age of 16 had several hundred beehives and became self-employed until 1975 when Ron offered him a partnership, this partnership was continued for several years until 1981, when Neil and Wendy bought Ron’s share and formed their own partnership.
Since then Neil and Wendy have improved and grown the business in all areas, increasing turnover 20-fold. Neil and Wendy’s goal is to keep Mossop’s honey a family owned business, to keep traditional methods to ensure the highest standard of honey is always produced and to keep the good old fashioned personal, friendly service.

Wendy and Neil have faced many challenges along the way. The 11th April 2000 was no exception when the first varroa bee mite was found in a South Auckland Apiary. This is the day “Beekeeping in New Zealand changed forever”. Many changes had to be made to monitor the varroa bee mite but through these changes they were able to ensure that they did not have too many losses.
In addition to learning to live with the varroa bee mite, many government legislation changes have come into effect, demanding that Mossop’s also become more and more professional food processors, operating state of the art processing equipment, and maintaining and following legislative requirements. These include Health & Safety programs and Food Safety and Risk Management programs.
Because they are involved in all aspects of honey production, they have control over the quality and flavour of the honey ‘From the hive to the Honey Pot’. Mossop’s use a unique honey processing method developed by father Ronald Mossop in the early 1950’s. As a cheese maker Ron, understood certain processes involving starters and temperatures to achieve a quality product. After some thought and trial applications, he developed a natural granulation method for processing extracted honey that maintains the natural goodness and flavours of the honey.

At Mossop’s, we pride ourselves in not over-processing, over-stirring, or over-heating, our honey and have customers nationwide and world wide who love our honey because of the wonderful natural flavours maintained through our
processing system.
Most honey packers process their honey by creaming the honey. This involves stirring it for 2 or 3 days. This stirring process adds air to the honey which also adds moisture, the one thing that can compromise its storing ability.
As the honey is only stirred for a few hours not a few days, and placed in a cool room to naturally granulate, the chance of added moisture during the packing process is reduced and therefore its keeping ability maintained, along with the flavours and aromas naturally occurring in the honey. As a result of this natural process, Mossop’s honey tends to be harder than other honeys and of a completely different texture to creamed honeys.
Mossop’s Honey is delicious liquid gold produced from the nectar of flowers within the beautiful South Pacific setting of New Zealand’s native bush and pasture lands with its crystal clear lakes, rivers and oceans, and snow capped mountains often forming a clean, green picturesque back drop for our beehives.

natruél was a twinkle in Mossop’s General Manager Wendy Mossop’s eye in 2002, when her then 83 year old mother used Mossop’s UMF® Manuka honey to heal the wound from a skin cancer operation on her ankle. After a couple of months, the wound had completely healed and the skin around the wound was soft, supple and as smooth as a baby’s. This opened Wendy’s eyes to the amazing benefits of honey internally and externally. It was decided then that Mossop’s needed to develop a chemical free skin care range using UMF® Manuka honey as the main ingredient. Five years later, in November 2007, Wendy’s dream was released and natruél was available for women worldwide to enjoy.