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What Is Bee Pollen?

What Is Bee Pollen?

Bee Pollen

Pollen is the male seed of flowers required for the fertilization of plants. There are two types of pollen: (1) Anemophile or wind carried pollens. These are the types that often cause allergic reactions such as hay fever. (2) Entomophile Pollens are carried by insects primarily honeybees, and are heavier than anemophile pollens. Insect carried pollens never become airborne and are not the culprits of allergic reactions. Quite the contrary, Bee Pollen is a very effective treatment for seasonal pollen induced allergies and other allergies also.

How Bees Collect Bee Pollen

On arriving at a flower, the honeybee scrapes off the loose pollen from the stamen with her jaws and front legs, along with the natural collection of it on her hairy body. Using the pollen combs on her legs, she brushes the gold powder from her coat in mid-flight and pushes it into the pollen baskets on her hind legs. When the baskets are full, one granule of pollen as we know it has been collected, made up of many 1000’s of tiny grains of pollen. The pollen dust on her body will brush off onto the next flower and pollination will be completed.

Pollen Nutrition

Chemical analyses from research laboratories all over the world show pollen provides all the nutrients humans need for life support. In clinical tests around the world pollen has been established as a complete food. A complete food has been defined as a foodstuff that provides all the nutrients necessary for life and health.

Bee gathered pollens are rich in proteins, free amino acids, vitamins, including B-complex and folic acid. In addition they contain variable quantities of an anti-biotic, which is potent against E-coli and Proteus. Bee pollen acts favourably in the intestines, on the hemoglobin level of the blood and the renewal of strength in convalescents and the aged.

It has been recorded that “Bee Pollen corrects the failings due to deficient or unbalanced nutrition common in customs of our present day civilization of consuming incomplete foods often with added chemical ingredients, which expose us to physiological problems as various as they are numerous.”

Research Results

Researchers in Russia have recorded that, “Bee Pollen is the richest source of vitamins found in nature in a single food.” A researcher in France records, “Bee Pollen is more rich in proteins than any animal source. Bee pollen is particularly concentrated in all elements necessary for physical life.” According to a British Doctor, “Bee Pollen is the finest, most perfect food. The health restoring properties of honeybee pollen have been proven time and time again. Honey bee pollen not only builds up strength and energy in the body, but it gives increased resistance to infection.”
Researchers have demonstrated that there is a substance in bee pollen that inhibits the development of numerous harmful bacteria. Experiments have shown bee pollen contains an antibiotic factor effective against salmonella and some strains of coli bacillus.

A cancer specialist in Mexico states, “in the biological treatment of cancer, proper nutrition is gaining more and more importance. To my knowledge, there is no better and more complete natural nutrient than honeybee pollen. Properly used, it should always give the expected results. A shift to natural non-aggressive agents in the management of cancer is mandatory for better results and happier patients.”

Other studies and tests done on cancers and the immune system were concluded as follows: “.. an addition of bee pollen to enriched food, stimulated the immunological reaction, which may be due to the presence of specific stimulating factors in the bee pollen grains.” White blood cells are the “soldiers” of our immune system whose job it is to rid the system of injurious and harmful substances, including infected or diseased cells, mutant and cancerous cells, viruses, metabolic trash, and so on. Gamma globulin is the protein formed in the blood and our ability to resist infections is closely related to this proteins activity.

In Russia and Sweden, it is common practice to prescribe Bee Pollen as a medicine for certain conditions as it is listed as a prescription medicine, and in France and Spain Bee Pollen is considered a pharmaceutical substance, and is sold through pharmacies and not health shops.

All this indicates that Bee Pollen has tremendous benefits for all those who choose to take it. It is a food that can contain all the 22 basic elements needed by the human body to function properly. An interesting fact is that scientists have not been able to reproduce scientifically a pollen that is comparable in any way to what nature and our creator has provided in pure, natural Bee Pollen.

Possible Benefits of Bee Pollen

The following are possible recorded benefits from the use of Bee Pollen:
Increased energy
Weight control
Clearance of allergies
Teenage hormonal misbehaviour
Increase immune system activity
General Health and Beauty
Reproductive and sexual function
Stimulating appetite
Improvement in digestive problems
Prostrate disorders
Treating Depression

Suggestions for taking Bee Pollen

  • Take a teaspoonful with a glass of water
  • Sprinkle it on cereal, fruit, or yoghurt
    Combine with Mossop’s honey or your favourite jam, or spread
    Crush it and add to fruit juice, etc
    Add it to a jelly, or similar desert
    Protein shakes
    Salad dressings
    Take it by the teaspoonful

Let your imagination go. Just do not cook it as this destroys the live enzymes and the nutrient value.

Caution:If you are allergic to any Bee Products, the use of Bee Pollen is not recommended.
If you have not used Bee Pollen before, we recommend that you start using a little at a time, for example, 1/4 of a teaspoon to start with for a week, then ½ tsp for a week, etc building up the required quantity over a period of 3 or 4 weeks.

Pollen is the male seed of flowers needed for the fertilization of plants. Bees collect this essential protein food for feeding to their young on the hairs of their body and scrape it into their pollens baskets on their back legs. Bee Pollen is rich in proteins, free amino acids, and vitamins and is also valuable to us as a dietary supplement to help with our general well-being and many ailments.

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